We love engaging with our local community.

Click on these regular groups to find out more…

Toddlers      iCaf       Re:Fresh Wellbeing Cafe      Who Let the Dads out


Here are some of the other things we do.

Messy Church
Easter, Harvest and Christmas and Summer are celebrated at Trinity with a fun-filled family afternoon of crafts and activities, interactive worship and afternoon tea for all the family.


Torch Earley (Previously ‘Earley Hub Help’)
The Earley Help Hub was set up by 7 churches in Earley and Lower Earley including Trinity, with support from Earley Town Council and Wokingham Borough Council, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earley Help Hub links volunteers with those in need of shopping, collecting prescriptions, a friendly chat, prayer or a listening ear. The hub proved to be helpful to the community and the churches saw an opportunity to continue partnering through lockdown and into subsequent phases of the pandemic, as an expression of one church loving its neighbour.

The aim is to find ways to continue serving the community in respect of local needs and to develop how the churches work together.

The hub has since joined Torch, which works on the same model but operates across Reading. There is a central point of contact if you need help or would like to volunteer. 0118 380 0260  help@torchhub.org.uk

The Community Support Hub is also useful for finding out about events, activities and help that is available across Reading.


Volunteer and financial support to RE-inspired
A local (and now national) project helping to creatively deliver the RE curriculum in primary and secondary schools.


Charity drop-off point
We are also a drop-off point for Woodley Foodbank, The Cowshed and Ali’s Recycling for the Local Community, with volunteers at Trinity sorting and dropping off donations to these local charities.
This is a list of all the items that Ali currently takes for recycling – keep updated with any changes on her Facebook page. Click to enlarge!

Alis recycling.jpg