We’d love you to become more involved so you can develop your interests, passions and giftings, and feel increasingly that you belong to the Trinity family and mission. Please contact the operations support co-ordinators to let them know how you can help.
What can you do?
- Worship services: help with operating the projector, deliver a reading, set up Holy Communion, create flower arrangements, welcome people as they enter, help with refreshments, help or lead Junior church.
- Music is a powerful tool that helps us worship and honour God, it’s something that we very much enjoy at Trinity. We always need people to play in our band and to lead the singing.
- During the week: welcome visitors, pray with them, help with cleaning, organising and preparing rooms for different activities.
- The courses we run and the activities we’re involved with locally – toddlers, iCaf, Re:Fresh cafe, Youth, Who Let the Dad’s Out, Mini Messy Church, community lunches, taking donated items to The Cowshed and Woodley Foodbank, Ali’s recycling… What do feel called to help with? Please get in touch.