Trinity Earley’s Safeguarding Officers are Dianne Berry and Sandra Koo.

You can read our policy here.

If you have a safeguarding concern:

In the first instance, please contact our Safeguarding Officers.
They can also be contacted via the church office 0118 9313124.

If there is an immediate risk or danger, please contact the Police on 999.


Please find below other agencies and avenues of support.

Local Authorities

If you are concerned about a child, young person, or vulnerable adult, please contact their local authority. Trinity is under Wokingham Borough Council, but close to the border of Reading Borough Council.

Safeguarding Adults teams: Wokingham    Reading 

Safeguarding Children teams: Wokingham    Reading

For all local authority services there is an out-of-hours number on their websites.

Church of England

Church of England Safeguarding        Diocese of Oxford Safeguarding

Our parish is part of the Diocese of Oxford, which is the Church of England in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Milton Keynes.

Methodist Church

Southampton District Safeguarding

United Reformed Church

Wessex Synod safeguarding contact


Other Agencies

Other agencies that are available to assist either on a 24-hour basis or through specialist helplines and services: