We believe the Christian values of loving God with all your heart, body and mind, as well as loving your neighbour as yourself, are vitally important and relevant for everyone in society. Our hope is to serve the local neighbourhood usefully, practically and spiritually to that end.

We were established in the mid-1980s as a partnership between the Methodist, United Reformed and Anglican church. Although we are drawn from these three denominations, we meet and worship together as one congregation. Anyone, with or without any kind of church background, is very welcome.

We are a family church and seek to be truly intergenerational. We share a range of Christian experiences and church backgrounds and, as a church, believe in living life to the full – showing and sharing Jesus.

We are an outward-looking church working within our neighbourhood with strong relationships and partnerships with other local churches. We see ourselves increasingly as part of ‘one church’ in Lower Earley and Reading.

In 2022 we began a Cantonese speaking congregation, led by newly arrived Hong Kong Christians, and we’re working towards them being a full-part of Trinity which is really exciting. Services run every Sunday, 2.30-4pm.
