
I’m delighted to welcome you to Trinity.  You may be just browsing, wondering about coming to a service, thinking about taking the first step towards exploring faith, looking for a new church or to return to church, or you may be finding life hard and need some company or someone to listen: if this is you, you’re very welcome indeed.

You’re extremely welcome to drop in during the week as we’re open much of the time. Explore our website to find out more – the calendar or Sunday services pages might be a good place to start.

Our HongKongers Ministry, increasingly very much a part of Trinity, continues to develop and you can find out more about this congregation here.


Please feel very welcome to join us.  It will be lovely to see you.  If you’d like to meet up for a chat and a coffee I’d be delighted to do so.  Please get in touch.

Every blessing,

Jon Salmon, Minister

I’m New!

Services this week





Worship Gathering


Family Worship Gathering, with Junior Church


HongKongers Ministry Cantonese Worship


Click for details of upcoming events at Trinity.  Latest news

Our next joint morning worship is on Sunday 16th February at 10.30am.
There will be no 9.30am or 11am worship gatherings that day. Do join us.